Stay Wild


“Be brave,” I say as I kiss him goodnight.

“Stay wild!” He giggles, “See you on the next adventure!”

It’s our nighttime routine originally inspired by his favorite Youtube channel, Coyote Peterson’s Brave Wilderness. It’s adorable and cute, but wild is the keynote feature of this childhood I want my boys to experience. Raising them wild, because the more I think about it, the more I realize wild is a virtue.

Wild is hard to define; there are no sizes, standards, shapes, or dimensions to encumber it.

Wild is the boondocks of adventure.

Wild will wander but never be lost.

Wild is a wilderness of dreams.

Wild is passion, desire, and freedom.

Wild can not be regulated.

Wild is unfettered by conventional normalcy.

Wild isn’t led by the crowd, wild blazes the trail unimpeded by doubts or the opinions of others.

Wild is not controlled or oppressed.

Wild doesn’t bow, doesn’t submit, doesn’t adhere, doesn’t go in a box.

Wild will fight for his own and stand for what is right.

Wild is tempestuous determination.

Wild is unapologetically daring.

Wild is uncultivated gallantry.

Wild is ferociously protective.

Wild is fearless audacity.

Wild is untamed bravery.

Wild is savage courage.

Wild is valiant love.

Wild is free.


Excavating [video]


Clearing Brush in Our New Yard [video]